Friday, December 17, 2010

Little Girls Lace Hoodie

I made this jacket for my niece for a you need a pressie day :)

Little Girls Lace Hooded Jacket. Size 1-2

3 Balls Patons Shadow Tweed
6.5 mm needles
4 buttons
Tension as per ball band instructions

Lace pattern:
Row 1 (WS) P2, K1 repeat to last 2 stitches and P2
Row 2 (RS) K2, P1, yo ssk, P1, repeat to last 2 stitches and K2
Row 3  Same as Row 1
Row 4 K2, P1, K2tog yo, P1, repeat to last 2 stiches and K2

Cast on 44 stitches.
Work in Pattern until work measures 30 cm (or 13 repeats of 4 rows of pattern)
Bind off as row 1.

Front (Make 2)
Cast on 26 stiches and work in pattern until work measures same as back.
Bind off as row 1.

Sleeves (Make 2)
Cast on 26 stiches, work 2 pattern repeats (8 rows) ending on the WS. Purl next row.
Knit next row and increase 1 stitch at each end. Continue in SS while increasing every 4th row until 38 stitches.
Continue without shaping until work measures 24cm, Bind Off.

Sew shoulder seams to 10 stiches, Ensuring that pattern matches.  Sew the rest of the garment together using mattress stitch.  Evenly space buttons on front right side.

Cast on 74stiches
Knit 21 rows SS ending with a knit row.
Starting on WS Knit 3 repeats of pattern (12 rows).  Bind off as row 1.
Fold in half and sew seam, ensuring that pattern matches and then attach onto neck of jacket.

To make a larger size add another pattern repeat) (6 stiches) and lengthen by 2 repeats (8 rows). (for size 3-4 etc.) and add another 6 SS rows to hood.

Boys Collared Jacket

I made this pattern as I couldn't find a nice warm jacket for my son's naming day.

Boys Collared Jacket. (Size 1-2)
5 Balls Patons Inca (Or substitute 12ply yarn)
4 buttons
6.5 mm Needles.

Pattern Stitch.

Row 1, K1 P1 repeat to last stitch and K1
Row 2, Purl

Cast on 41 stiches
Knit in pattern until work measures 30cm finishing with Row 2. Bind of as Row 1.

Front (Make 2)
Cast on 23 stiches and work the same as the back. Until last 4 rows.

Neck Shaping
Right side, keeping pattern correct cast off  first 5 sts on RS of  work, purl 1 row, then cast off 8 sts (10 sts remaining for shoulder seam), purl 1 row then bind off in pattern.

Left side, Keeping pattern correct, every 10th row knit in pattern to last 4 sts then
yo k2tog, p1, k1 for button holes.
Reverse neck shaping for left side.

Sew shoulder seams together then pick up 53 sts evenly around neck line. Work 8 pattern rows (4 repeats) Bind off in pattern.

If there are any errors please let me know.

It's time to come clean.

I am addicted to crafts.

I love anything crafty and I would love to have my own craft store, though I think I would use all the stock myself.  For starters I am working on selling my jewelry online.

I am addicted to chain maille at the moment.  I had to put my knitting aside as my 2 year old thought that it was heaps of fun to keep unravelling on me.  I am currently making Christmas presents for everyone out of chain maille so pics will come after Christmas as well as some instructions.

My aim with this blog is to share my passion for crafts as well as posting patterns and ramblings about my creative processes and hope to inspire and be inspired.

For starters I must share this little gem that I came across today.  Crochet Baby Dragons. I cant wait to make some after christmas.  I think they are super cute and I am sure my kids will love them, especially my daughter when she gets a bit older.