Friday, December 17, 2010

Boys Collared Jacket

I made this pattern as I couldn't find a nice warm jacket for my son's naming day.

Boys Collared Jacket. (Size 1-2)
5 Balls Patons Inca (Or substitute 12ply yarn)
4 buttons
6.5 mm Needles.

Pattern Stitch.

Row 1, K1 P1 repeat to last stitch and K1
Row 2, Purl

Cast on 41 stiches
Knit in pattern until work measures 30cm finishing with Row 2. Bind of as Row 1.

Front (Make 2)
Cast on 23 stiches and work the same as the back. Until last 4 rows.

Neck Shaping
Right side, keeping pattern correct cast off  first 5 sts on RS of  work, purl 1 row, then cast off 8 sts (10 sts remaining for shoulder seam), purl 1 row then bind off in pattern.

Left side, Keeping pattern correct, every 10th row knit in pattern to last 4 sts then
yo k2tog, p1, k1 for button holes.
Reverse neck shaping for left side.

Sew shoulder seams together then pick up 53 sts evenly around neck line. Work 8 pattern rows (4 repeats) Bind off in pattern.

If there are any errors please let me know.

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